7 Unsaid Gym Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Be Following
If you just started a new workout routine because you want to get healthy, first of all, congratulations! Now that you’ve taken that first step toward bettering your health, we’ll need to fill you in on some very important unspoken gym etiquette guidelines so that you can make the most of your workouts!
Always Re-Rack Your Weights – After you’ve finished up your workout in the squat rack and your muscles are fatigued, the last thing you want to do is put all of those heavy weights back on the racks. But it’s important that you do this out of courtesy for the next patron. After all, they’re not your maid and it’s not their job to clean up after you!
Don’t Give Unsolicited Workout Advice – No one likes to feel unnecessarily judged while working out, so unless you see a fellow gym-goer performing an exercise in a blatantly dangerous manner that could potentially lead to an injury, just try to avoid commenting on what other people are doing altogether.
Wipe Down the Equipment After You Use it – After living through a pandemic, it seems like it’d be a no-brainer to wipe down your sweaty, germy equipment after you use it, but you’d be surprised by how many people still don’t do this. Luckily most gyms have sanitizing spray or wipes sitting around for your convenience, so take advantage of it and be courteous toward the next patron!
Don’t Talk to People in the Middle of Their Sets – This tip is very important for safety reasons: do not, under any circumstances (except for in the case of an emergency), stop to talk to someone while they’re in the middle of a set. Doing so could distract them and cause them to drop their heavy weights.
Finish Your Sets as Quickly as Possible – If you’re someone who’s regularly able to make it to the gym at times when it’s not packed, then this won’t apply as much to you. However, if you’re like most of us and go during peak hours after work, then you’ll (at least) occasionally be waiting around to use some of the machines while other patrons finish their workouts. This is why it’s important that you do things in a timely manner and take short breaks in between each set. Let’s put it this way: most of us just want to get in and out of the gym as quickly as possible!
Don’t Scream and Drop Your Weights Loudly – Do we even need to explain why this is just bad manners? Don’t be that person.
Allow Others to Work in – If someone is waiting for you to be finished with a particular machine, offer to let them work in while you rest. Trust us when we say that waiting around for ages just to use one machine is the absolute worst part of going to the gym for many people.